The last two weeks at practice, we have shown some great leadership and improvement. We have a tradition here that we give a lunch pail with a Yellowjacket on it to the player that shows hard work ethic, leadership, and improvement to his game. The lunch pail itself shows that the player goes to work every day and gives it his all. When you are given the lunch pail, you must bring it everywhere to you go, to class, to dinner, and to your girlfriends house. To get this is an honor, and only a select few have gotten it. It has only been given out twice this year, but to two very deserving players, Nick Bursik and Bobby Tyndall. Bursik was awarded the lunch pail two weeks ago. He has shown tremendous improvement since last year and is becoming one of our top guns. He works hard every day and is always seen working on his pitching. Bobby was given the lunch pail this last Monday. Bobby has also shown great steps of improvement and is always encouraging the team to dig deep and give it their all. Bobby has been looking great on the mound so far in practice and is a guy that we love to have on the team. These guys have been a great testament to the whole pitching staff as they have been working there hearts out for the team and keep getting better every day. And at the same time, pushing the positionals to work their hardest to be ready for the season. Check out the video:

The Yellowjacket Pitchers are working very hard. Most of the pitchers are PO's, or pitcher only, but some are also two way players. We have begun our season with functional skill specific strengthening drills. This year the Yellowjackets are developing a new level of pitcher, making them more atheltic then they ever have been. As a pitcher myself, I can tell you that we have worked harder then ever, and I love every second of it. My arm has never felt better when we throw, and I know the same goes for other guys out there. On the other side of the gym, the catchers are working their tails off as well. We can't give enough credit to Coach Garromone and the catchers for all the hard work they put in. We are doing what we have never done before, and we are going to accomplish what we never have before. This week, we start off practice with everyone and the excitement for the season could not be higher.

Please check out our Weekly Video:

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