We had our annual fundraiser the last two weeks selling gold cards to the community. Each player on the team was required to sell 20 of them. Sean Cummings and Coach made a bet that if Sean could sell 40 of them, Coach would shave his head. No one sold 40 last year so Coach didn’t think that he could do it. Well Sean went to work and within the first couple days had 35 sold. Coach was getting really nervous. But before he could really realize what was going on, Sean sold 40, and Coach was in the chair getting his hair buzzed off. Coach’s wife wasn’t the happiest, but it was for a good cause and for the baseball team so she let it slide. It took some time for Coach to get used too but I think everyone agrees that it’s a good look for him. Enjoy the video, we all did!
Along with Sean selling 40, the whole team sold over 9000 cards shattering our goal for this year. This was a great opportunity for us and we grabbed it and allowing ourselves to be able to finance our needs this year. We would like to thank everyone who has supported our program.
Check out the coach getting his haircut! http://www.youtube.com/user/UWSuperiorBaseball1#p/a/u/0/Ki8EKD-1XiY
We are Superior!