We ended our games last Wednesday with two W’s in the win column. They weren’t the prettiest games, but we were able to scrap out some runs when we needed them and able to get the job done. Saufley threw an excellent game and Timmy Bouvine came in to close the door for the first win and save of the season. In game two Blake Danielson came out fired up and used some damage control to keep Hamline at bay. Cale Tassi saw his first action and threw well, as did Timmy once again in relief to pick up the win. After we got back from the Dome, Joe Ahrens was found pumping some iron in the weight room, earning him the honor of carrying the lunch pail around with him.

We had a quick turnaround (one practice) and then another game this morning against Loras College, from Dubuque, Iowa. Today’s game definitely could have turned out better. We took a 2-0 lead into the 6th inning our defense found it difficult to make the routine plays. We never recovered from our fielding blunders and lost 5-3. TJ Wink had a win-deserving-performance on the hill, allowing one hit, two runs (0 earned) while striking out 3.

We’ve got a ways to go before conference starts, and time to learn from games like these. We’ll be working on pulling together as a team before Florida, and hopefully we’ll be prepared enough to win all of our games in the Sunshine State.



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